Ok I'm growing organic out the ground I fuckn dug for a beek strait like two huge grave so I got 1 6foot long 3 ffeet deep and 4 food wide how many plants think I can fit I was going to give em about 15inches a piece from each other but hey I didn't go crazy help me please oh ya will my clones...
im doing it tomorrow their getting too big for solo cups roots a busting through so I put three out today so far so good tomorrow im putting a few more in just moving slowly and watching a lot cause they die im screwed no harvest anyone in Vegas deal with this Vegas heat?
I'm putting my clones in the ground in the next day or so I'm trying to build larger roots I've dug out all the dirt that was in the ground out I've mixed up subcools supersoil months ago so I'm going to fill all the holes with the super soil I really hope this is going to be worth it anyone...
ok so I dug up holes big holes and filled them with organic potting mix earth worm castings and vermaculite I have mulch on top the ground to keep the plants cooler during the summer theyre doing really good but the roots are growing up over the mulch and basically pulling the mulch down into...