
  1. R

    Joint with cigarette filter

    Hi, yesterday i got a big bag of cigarettes filters, they are white and small and i tried to smoke a J like that and it still got me high.. Do you guys think it is a bad idea? does it trap thc? Let me know.
  2. D

    How to inhale joints „correctly“?

    Hey community, I have a question about the "correct" inhalation of joints. I've been smoking cannabis for 3 years now, mostly in the form of joints. You can read a lot about inhalation options on the internet, distinguishing between direct inhalation into the lungs and mouth-to-lung inhalation...
  3. P

    Did I injure my plant?

    Hey! I topped my plant about 5 days ago! On the first pic (plant 1) she recovered and created 2 main leading stem my on the other pic (plant 2) She didnt create 2 main leading stem! What happened? Is she gona create or its messed up now? Thx
  4. Illuminati85

    Marijuana songs.

  5. G

    Autoflowering, best store bought soil/fert and other quest.

    Ok so I'm going to ask a couple questions: 1: can I grow around this time of year? 2: What is the best store bought soil/fert for an auto flowering plant, also is there such thing as a soil and fert that you can use during the whole life span of the plant or do I need different ferts for each...
  6. bro54209

    i finally learned how to toke a joint without burping

    I had one on my way cruzing to work :finger: then 2 after work now:o, feels good to finally breathe in guys i got to work at 4:21 with a valid excuse:bigjoint: