
  1. K


    Really happy and excited to be a part of this forum. Waiting to have good discussions with you.
  2. E

    Is my plant beyond saving?

    I'm not sure what's going on with my plant but it seems to be dying. All the bottom leaves are brown and dead, the middle portion is yellow and dying, and the top portion is sort of green. All the leaves have brown curled tips. This is my first grow any help would be appreciated.
  3. Z

    New Grower!

    Hi everyone! I'm Zeitgeist, a young grower (24) living in Italy (I'm British by birth). Our top court recently passed a law allowing for legal growing for personal use, so I took advantage and bought 3 feminized seeds to try my hand. Really having fun with the process so far! Planted two...
  4. T

    Tami Newbie

    Hi, I m 21 years old from Mission Viejo California, living in Vancouver Ontario Canada. I 'm new to this city and been observing people on how they smoke weed and the effects of legalization of marijuana overall. I can say that legalization has helped people with their choices to which strain...
  5. GHempster

    Hello fellow growers

    Just joined and saying hi to all out there. I am from Newfoundland being growing full time for the past year and off and on for the past 30 years. I grow in ProMix with Gaia Green amendments and RAW supplements. I always have a combination of autos and photos running. And always got something...
  6. MarijuanaGuides


    Hey! We're posting an obligational introduction, since our account was just created. Hope to chat with you on the forum!
  7. O


    hi guys Im new memer in here wanna grow green posion auto xl from sweetseeds where can I post myself a thread to ask questions? regards
  8. maceburgh

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm a marijuana user and I'm here to find some information about marijuana like how it is effective for health and benefit of marijuana.
  9. ShedsAndTents

    Hello fellow growers!

    After years of crawling the forums and a few months of active membership, I'd like to formally introduce myself. My name is John, but you can call me Shed or Tents as you prefer as those are my preferred growing enclosures. My first grow was in 2011 in the grueling state of Texas amass it's...
  10. DET—PDX

    New City, New forum, Big Plants

    Hey all coming to you live from Portland, Oregon, USA. I recently moved here from Detroit Michigan to attend chiropractic school, and of course I got my grow tent set up. Grow History Back in Michigan I obtained my medical marijuana card. I have a torn labrum in my left hip from running track...
  11. Silverstrings420

    Hallo from ohio!

    Hello fellow humans, I consider myself a no oh but I've grown maybe 8 times. Each time has been organic and suuuuper low budget, all but 3 or 4 turned out due to inexperience but that's how I learned to spot the start of deficiencies. Sadly, its been so long since I've grown that I forgot most...
  12. 19wilsonftq67

    Long time reader 1st time posting

    Hey RIU Another Pothead Glad to be here. As title suggests been I have often Found this Site to be a valuable Resource. Always there to search any growing pains i may have or sometimes even just to look at pretty pictures. Here to join some of the banter and of course pick Some of your Brains...
  13. Z

    Greetings from SoCal!

    Hello RUIers. First off, thank you for this great resource, things sure have changed over the last 30 years. The last time I was this interested in the magic plant was the late 80's, so basically, old timer here. I've been lurking for the last month, and it is quite a site. So many different...
  14. DTDrop


    Hi everyone, DT Drop here, just wanted to introduce myself a little bit before I start posting in this forum again...hehe. It has been a good 5-6 years since I have been on a forum, used to admin a bit, but that was quite a while ago... So, here I go, lol. I am an organic, medical marijuana...
  15. R

    Hello from Oregon

    Hello, I would like to introduce myself and ask a question. I’m a retired electronics engineer who literally “retired and bought the farm”, (on the Oregon Coast) I’m new to growing. I look forward to sharing my experiences and learning from this forum. I’m developing an automated grow...
  16. spliffingtonOG

    Oh Hai Guise

    Hey guys, I'm Spliff :bigjoint: I normally frequent GC. I created an acct here because I think I have a few friends here who've been wanting me to join. So if you know me, hi! If you don't, hello also!
  17. ogsmoker24

    Hey guys!

    im new to this forum, but. It to the forum community entirely I've read some rea Let useful and good information on this site and thought, hell! Why not become a part of it! Hello to every cannabis enthusiast out there!
  18. HarryKovert

    Happy to be here

    Peace and salutations to y'all. A self admitted newbie here - just coming close to conclusion on my 2nd foray into the world of growing. Here to absorb......learn.....laugh and make new friends. Much love......
  19. kippiogrowin

    Kippio's Introduction :D

    Hello all, I am kippio(atleast here I am:lol:). I have recently begun my ventures into growing myself, but I have been a community lurker for the past two years, as it has always fascinated me, as well as a smoker for longer:bigjoint:. I am looking into specializing in rDWC Hydroponics. I am...
  20. FullyRootedFarms

    Hello Everybody from Fully Rooted Farms

    Hello Somehow I acquired the nickname, Danky D, before I was even involved in the cannabis industry. I grew up in rural Northern California. Life as a country boy was simple and filled with 4H, FFA, and riding dirt bikes. After high school, my dad and I started growing medicinal...