So my house is divided in half. One side of the house is in a state where marijuana is illegal, and the other side of the house is in a state where homegrow is legal. If my house gets raided by police by the state where it’s illegal will I go to jail even if the plants are on the side of the...
Do the sellers of clones on here only ship clones in state or will they ship across state borders? And if so what sellers of clones are reputable? Just listened to a Shaping Fire episode and the founder of this website has me interested.
He talked heavily of scammers on the website which has me...
This is hypothetical question of course...But lets say a friend of mine has a decent budget of around 60k to invest in an indoor grow...He lives in an illegal state unfortunately and is looking for ideas on the best methods for staying safe and off the radar while pursuing an op like...
I'm having thoughts on growing a lot of good weed for a few years then selling all my buds once it becomes legal in my state. Ideas and thoughts on this. Looking at boveda for being able to preserve my dank for 4+ years.
I dont know how the cops handle the illegal outdoor grwoing in your area.. but i was really shocked when I read the following from german news blog. I try to transalte, pls forgive some mistakes and dont hesitate to correct them al - I want to learn as much as I can :)
Unfathomably what is...
Interesting...the Gift that keeps on Giving..........Better than the Energizer Bunny......Keeps going and going...:blsmoke:
"Donald Trump may have broken the law by using campaign donations to buy thousands of copies of his own book at retail cost.
His campaign raised eyebrows this week when a...
Would you get away with 10 plants? I'm an illegal country though, not even medical. I was just wondering about the smell or electricity use and stuff. I've grown before and I love it so I was thinking of starting for real, make a little money on the side. Of course I'd much rather do it legally...
As I'm sure most of you know, the possession weight limit of "smokeable" mmj is 2.5 oz. While I'm all sure we can agree the law is vague at best and full of gray areas, what I want to know / am curious about is; if you legally grow in the state of RI and you keep it legit, what do you do with...