#growerlife #whiteknight #greenthumb

  1. C

    What to do when taking seeds out of fridge?

    Does anyone know what to do when you take your seeds out of the fridge? I remember reading somewhere that you're not suppose to just take them out and start planting. There is some kind of process. Does anyone know what this is?? Any kind of advice is appreciated
  2. C

    Broke a branch during flowering near the top of the cola. HELP!!! Don't know what to DO!

    Hey there, I'm pretty new to this and just signed up today to the forum. I've been growing on and off for like 6 years now but haven't been able to get that really good fire flame after my second grow. Maybe it was soil cuz it was in-ground and the plants grew to be like 13ft tall, plus, my dad...
  3. JayBio420

    Who is JayBio420...? This guy

    Hey Rollers, I’ve been around for awhile, had an older account in my teens, creeped through most my 20s and have had this account through my 30s. I have always been more of the booksmart student type, but mischievous and curious also. I was a natural for biology. I got heavy into homebrewing...