grow media

  1. redrockblock

    Need Stonewool Starter Media? Starter Plugs, Starter Trays, Starter Mats, Starter Blocks

    Hello RollItUp members- New Line of North American Manufactured Commercial/Industrial-Grade Stonewool Starter Media Available at RedRock Block: Calling all commercial and industrial growers! Start your plants or clones off in some of the cleanest, purest, and finest stonewool starter media...
  2. redrockblock

    New Stonewool Grow Slabs Available at RedRock Block!

    Hello forum members- New Line of North American Manufactured Commercial/Industrial-Grade Stonewool Grow Media Available at RedRock Block: Multi-Plant Grow Slabs By the Shipping Container! RedRock Block now shipping out their complete line of stonewool grow media out of 4 locations nationally...