gorilla zkittlez

  1. O

    Is my plant stunted?

    So I'm in week 6 of my Barneys Farm Gorilla Zkittles Grow. It's a photo... https://growdiaries.com/diaries/66836-barney-039-s-farm-gorilla-zkittlez-grow-journal-by-op41no Im using GH flora series at a decent dose. I'm wondering if my plants are stunted because of the slow growth I'm having. I...
  2. killabeez-seedbank

    Win Gorilla SKITTLEZ

    All Entrants must be received before 05th Feb 2019. This is your chance to Win Gorilla ZKITTLEZ How to enter: Instructions And Thats all you have to do stand the chance of winning Barney’s Farm Gorilla Zkittlez 5 Seeds. Please check the law in your own country before entering. Cannabis seeds...
  3. killabeez-seedbank

    5 X Gorilla Zkittlez Rollitup Competition

    All Entrants must be received before 05th Feb 2019. This is your chance to Win Gorilla ZKITTLEZ How to enter: Instructions And Thats all you have to do stand the chance of winning Barney’s Farm Gorilla Zkittlez 5 Seeds. Please check the law in your own country before entering. Cannabis seeds...
  4. Original Sensible Seeds

    New US West Coast Genetics from Barneys Farm

    Barneys Farm continue their relentless search across the globe for awe-inspiring cannabis genetics. Their recent attention has been drawn to the US West Coast, where exciting new cannabis strains are being developed, aided by the widespread legalization in the area. BLUE GELATO 41 GORILLA...