
  1. O

    Lemons indoors and cherry trouble

    I like in south ontario, and do you think it's possible if I can grow a lemon tree and cut it good enough that I can keep it small?? I'm just curious and in also really new to any gardening stuff. I am trying to germinate cherry seeds and majority of the little white root came out on the paper...
  2. fivefour11

    how phloem give priority for transport sugar to buds

    hello I have a question just by curiousity , when phloem transport sugars and proteins in the plant by the leaves to the buds , the buds will have competition for get the sugar , the question is does the buds that are near the most leaves that product sugar ( exposed to light ) will have...
  3. ChaeWwice

    I take care of them and they make me happy

    I have grown Scindapsus for about 3 years, I take care of them every day and make sure they could grow better. I put them in my room under the 45-watt golden LED light and it makes them look colorful. I am so happy with my best favorite flowers and they make me feel good and pleasant every. And...