fresh frozen bubble hash live rosin

  1. tandem

    Best Harvest Prcedure for Fresh Frozen

    I plan on turning hopefully around 500-1000g fresh material here at harvest in a few weeks into bubble hash and then press it into live rosin. What is best process for harvesting? I'll be harvesting 3-4 plants and then I need to take them around 1.5 hours away. My plan was to maybe buy some dry...
  2. R

    Fan leaves + larfy bud, straight into the wash?

    Basically what the title says. I didn't think to separate my larfy bud and my fan leaves when I was cleaning my plants up to dry. Is there some sort of process I could use to separate the relatively useless fan leaves from the larfy bud, or should I just toss it all into my filter bag and...
  3. P

    mesko ms 8053 for bubble hash?

    Hi! I searched for some bubble washing machines and I saw a mobilr washing machine which meant for clothes and Im wondering if it work well since its half price as bubble hash machines. Thx!
  4. Davidminer

    Best quality bubble bags

    Sorry if this is in the wrong post but I'm ready to start my fresh frozen adventure! Who knows what bags are THE BEST. I'm hearing complaints about bags flaking into product after one or two uses. I'm in Ontario if anyone is wondering. Links would be appreciated. Thanks in advance and happy...