
  1. D

    Help with tincture!

    Hi, ive made tincture with ever clear twice, but this time it didn’t come out right! I have no liquid just bud and the bud isnt burnt. What did i do wrong? I let it boil for about 4 hours usually i do 6-8 but it was no liquid left. What can i do to fix this?
  2. L

    Need Some BHO Extraction Advice

    Hello, Okay, so I am trying to make my own shatter using butane extraction & winterization with everclear. My husband used to make it, but he has passed away and I can’t find anyone to make it for me, so I will do it myself. I do kind of know the process & I have everything I need, but I just...
  3. ukflowzy

    Bho syrup update! PLEASE HELP ME

    I am thinking for my syrup if I mix my gram of bho with 95% food grade alcohol when I make it into a syrup it will mix much better!? https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B073XTFFKQ#Ask I’ve found this that is available in my country and seems to be the same as ever clear, is it the same stuff? And...
  4. kywy

    Newbie ?? on extraction

    i was searching for some ec 190 and found some 200 proof on ebay from leaf lab, does anyone kno if this is legit 2 use 4 extract