
  1. Blackketch

    Eggs or trichomes?

    Good evening, inspecting my plants with the microscope I noticed these little things. Searching online I found the community splits in two between those who claim they are eggs and those who say they are glandular trichomes or Capitate Sessile Trichomes instead. What do you guys think? The...
  2. S

    Are these mite eggs ?? microscope pictures ..

    So I decided to buy a mini pocket microscope bc I had deformed leaves and holes in my leaves , and I found these little white egg looking things . I have 11 plants and they are on all of my plants and I haven’t seen one mite and I’m sitting here for hours checking each plant . I’ve been spraying...
  3. giantcola


    found this on my outdoor girl.
  4. G

    Eggs in soil?

    So I’ve just purchased some soil to add to mine, and after mixing it, I noticed these little red balls. They are hard on the outside, and have a squishy substance on the inside of some, some have nothing. The ingredients listed on the bag are: peat, compost, and vermiculite. The warehouse it...
  5. Dmannn


    Hey ya'll. I have a Hoop house (30'X15') along with my outdoor 6 plant legal rec grow in N CA. MY GAWD the wasps right now! I was looking around the treads. How can i keep these lil A$$ holes from coming back in my Organic soil. So far it's been the time to do it is now. I am overly...
  6. roseypeach

    The Snake Club

    Hey all, thought I'd start this thread to see how many of you are reptile aficionados out there! To start things off, here's a couple of our Ball Python's having dinner