
  1. crimsonecho

    panic attack material for salt farmers :)

    nightmare for sterile guys :) just a handful of my indoor composting soil for the next run. wish i had a microscope to see what kind of microbes were in there. probably couldn’t have identified a single one rofl
  2. TaoRich

    Living Soil : My beg borrow & improvise vermicomposted mix - Comments & Advice ?

    Greetz from Africa Hi folks My first legal grow ... our local laws have recently changed My first grow in 10 years ... I've been a bit of a slack b*st*rd My first totally organic grow ... going with a living soil outdoor grow I'm actively looking for advice and suggestions Am I missing...
  3. Jack Kilgore

    Worms in a Pot for the Pot named Paul

    Hey Nuggets, Whats the earliest in the plants cycle when one can begin using earthworms? LIVE. I have a autoflowering Critical Purp seedling thats about 2 weeks old sitting in a 7 gallon smartpot (its a root expansion theory test) and I really wanna ensure the biggest healthiest root mass i...
  4. MisssMaryjane

    Earthworms snuck in my Soil.. Should i toss it?

    Hi folks... I had a couple of 5 gallon buckets with good rich soil out side for a couple of days. I dumped one into the wheel barrel and noticed a bunch of little earthworms found their way in. I'm growing indoors right now and i don't think its a good idea to use soil with worms...