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    Hillary said Donald Trump would make an excellent President !

    Wikileaks is the gift that just keeps giving,Hillary Clinton speaking about how america needs businessmen at the helm instead of lawyers, because businessmen have the vision politicans lack,then she specifically names Donald Trump as the businessman she'd love to see become president :clap: She...
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    Wikileaks exposes Hillary paid off at least 65 MSM reporters.

    We now know the Hillary campaign staff has been writing articles for the New York Times,CNN ,MSNBC,ABC,NBC,CBS and the much touted "politico " & other news groups responsible for rigging the polls & to quote the Hillary campaign " Frame the Hillary Issues for Voters " . Here's a partial list of...
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    The best explanation of a trump voter ever televised.

    Anti establishment Democrat film maker from my state Michael Moore gave the best explanation why Trump will beat Hillary that's ever been given by anybody,I'm glad to see him finally admit Hillary is crooked beyond any parable & announce he will vote for Donald J Trump to drain the swamp that is...