Hi all! I have a little plant that’s doing great right now, but the other day I found some seeds and figured “hey, why not? Let’s try it”. Germinated 2 in paper towels, one took off and grew through the towel in 3 days, the other one took a few days longer.
Anyway, I’ve never tried growing from...
So a buddy of mine gave me a clone he has had for years. It went outside before I could get it under lights to veg and clone. I went to clone it and noticed it started to flower after about a week outside. Will the clones root or is it to late. I have a T5 with 4 24w bulbs about 6" away from it...
Day 4 and my one seedling is to tall for the dome. Is it safe for them that i take the dome lid off??? Any help is highly appreciated. The second day i moved my lights down so that they wouldnt strech any further. Its just slowly moving towards the light now.im worried that removing the lid so...
When do I open top holes on dome? When do I leave the top off?
It has root nubs maybe more don't want to disturb. Cut approx. 1 n 1/2 weeks gsc strain.
I remember from b4 it takes 2 - 3 weeks to root ready for trans and I vent the little top holes ?? And at about week 2 n 1/2 or...
Hi guys, i have started some non feminised seeds from JOTI for the first time.
I had the seeds crack in a cup of water and have then transferred them in a paper towel.
About 48 hours ago i have put the cracked seeds with the root in jiffy's soaked in PH wated and some Rhizotonic in a dome.