diy 3000k

  1. dirtyoldb

    Samsung strips new h influx vs f series 3rd gen.

    Checking the Samsung calculator on the 3000k. Running at 1.4A max and total wattage of 400W. All numbers the exact same to check what has best lumens and efficiency ratios. Average new grower based on 400W setup. All tests are in series. Till maxed out at 400W. Here is the list from best to...
  2. N

    Help me build first led grow from zero

    Hey guys, I plan to build a grow (no size specified yet, the maximum I can) and use 4 vero 29 gen 7 C 3000k 80 cri, can anyone help me with choosing what driver to use. Im lost to why people dont use higher w and ma, that in my starter eyes looks like would be more efficient. Like, wouldnt the...
  3. CornerStone

    New Roleadro 3000k led lights. Toughts?

    Hello everyone I recently purchased this new led from Roleadro Just want to know if anyone knows whats all about this new yeallowish led panels. I know that the magority of people are buying cree panel lights but My tent is just 40cm x 60cm x 120cm so I was afraid not having enough space for...