Hi guys/girls,
This is my auto friend, she's about 2 months old and I'm seeing some kind of deficiency or lockout in her leaves.
(The tip of the leaves are getting brown and crispy, and chlorosis seems to start taking over).
I was recently wattering with :
1ml/L BioGrow
3ml/L BioBloom
2 tents going and this happens in both. One month into flower the middle to newer leaves start to do this (see pics). Ph is checked, ppm is on low side. It is more pronounc ed on certain strains but happens to about 25-30% of plants (600w/1000w HP's) Anyone?? I do have big jumps between water...
Hello, this is my first post and I’m sort of a newb so please don’t hate. I’m four weeks into flower on one of my plants and I’ve been having this issue for about a week where my plants leaves are turning yellow and purple/pink and their looking droopy a bit too. Also, this is mainly happening...