dankonomics genetics

  1. socaljoe

    socaljoe grows

    Hi all. This is my first grow journal. For a little background, I have several outdoor grows under my belt and have just recently completed my first indoor grow. I still consider myself a beginner, so I'm hoping to learn more as I go. My goal here is mainly to keep a record of how my grow...
  2. smokebros

    ☤Smokebros Canna Garden☤

    Greetings RIU. I'm starting up this thread to have a single spot I can post garden updates. I find this a bit more convenient than starting up a new journal every grow round. I'll be taking a couple weeks off in April to reset the garden, but the plan is to start harvesting perpetually after...
  3. George Seeds

    Seven New Breeders Have Now Been Added to The Vault!

    At The Vault, we are extremely proud of the fact that our customers get to choose from a humongous line-up of the world’s top breeders: So when we hook up with some new breeders whose produce makes the cut, we are always excited to share the news... Check out the new additions today! That’s...