
  1. Z

    I mess it all up

    I few weeks back (about a mont ) I had some PM (on my one and only ) plant , and I heard that hydrogen peroxide works, so I spray H2O2 on the plant and now the pistils are brown like burn most of them. (My plant was on flora stage when I spayed with H2O2) I only sprayed 2 times in two...
  2. P

    First time but not. Blue cheese

    k so i went into this with a close friend 3 yrs ago. He was extremely experienced and had been doing it many yrs. I on the other hand had no clue. For the first crop he did it all. The second and third he took care of them from cuttings thru the harvest stage into week 5+ where i took over and...
  3. wegethigh

    The Smell or stupidity

    I'm truly have to be honest I don't live in a area where weed smokers are welcome. Instead of trying to find good weed and running into an undercover cop. I want to grow my own Mary Jane I was thinking maybe 4 plants 2 600 w or 400 w lights. In one of those big tents. However i been researching...