
  1. P

    Will my plants survive or produce quality bud in this climate?

    Hi guys! This years outside growing is just crap. A week ago it was 32c(90f) my plant got a little crispy now a week later and its 14c(57f) afternoon and 10c (50f)at night.
  2. F

    Which climate controller use ?

    Hello, I'd order a climate controller that can control 2 fans, humidity, temperature and night/day fonction. Which one do you advise me? Best price/quality balance.
  3. PhatPhreddysKat

    Indoor/Outdoor Hybrid Grow?

    I'm planning an outdoor grow In Portland Oregon which is 45 degree latitude, maritime temperate Mediterranean climate, dry summer. Rains begin without fail mid October and plants must finish by then or weak light and rain guarantees botrytis. I've done it successfully before without greenhouse...
  4. ttystikk

    Scientists are Declaring a Climate Emergency

    Temperature changes over large portions of the earth's surface are causing the pattern of jet stream activity to do some very unusual things, like cross the equator...
  5. T.C. Bosby

    Tent Height and Environment Control

    If I have two tents, both with comparable width and length measurements, but one is 5 ft high and the other is 6.5 feet high, would one be preferable over the other in terms of keeping temperature and humidity levels regulated/favorable?
  6. Dadopeboii

    Subtropical strains

    Who knows the dankest strains for outdoor grow in humid subtropical climate?
  7. FarisTheBaris

    I dont know Help!!! xD

    So i want to grow royal automatic seeds,but i dont know if the temperature is here is ok (outdoor).In april it will be around 15-17C outside and i wanted to grow ambesia haze auto (royal seeds) or norther lights auto (royal seeds) wich is better for not so hot climates or is there a better royal...
  8. A

    looking for a good control and monitor system

    Hey everyone I have been looking around for a complete control/monitor system. Basically these are the things I want from the system. I want it to be able to control and monitor in a wireless manner, remotely monitor and dial in air temperature, relative humidity, CO2, lighting schedule. It has...