buds dont develop

  1. A

    Bud devolpment question

    What would make ur buds grow light and airy as opposed to dense nugs
  2. K

    DWC help (stunted buds)

    I’ve been having this same problem in this same stage with all my gross for about a year since I started DWC. Around week 4 or so I start getting stunted growth, ph issues, and deficiencies. It looks like light stress but I have been much softer this time and it is still happening. I’m doing...
  3. G

    Buds doesnt develop 5th week flowering

    Hey im new to grows and it has been challenging The biggest of my plants had several problems as i switched to 12 hours of darkness First it displayed calcium and potassium deficiencies and now it seems like a overfert spreading through leaves. Buds are developing slowly and the plant hasnt...