baby plant

  1. ForThousandsOfYrs

    A little help y’all!

    So the bottom leafs in this baby plant are starting to yellow , could it be because it’s wanting to fall of its own or is there some deficiency going on there? Also on one of the top leafs has a spot at the tippity tip in which I circled I don’t know if y’all able to see it well because of...
  2. paradox3693

    help, advice, anything that would be useful I would be grateful

    Hey guys, cut to the point, I'm growing indoors in my closet, my lights are 3 LED lights with total of 120watts, each lamp has 40watts, and 4000LM per lamp, that's a 12000LM in total I got a digital automated Timer set for the whole week, for 20H, from 12AM to 8PM. I'm using the following...
  3. CJ0420

    Yellowing leaf tips on young plant

    So to keep things short today I noticed the tips of my lower leaves yellowing and the whole of them leaves also going more lime green my setup: 250w hps General hydroponic flora trio + some cal mag Cana coco + perlite mix Lights on temp maxes about 29c FeedAnd water is ph about 6.2 My first...
  4. M

    Slug ate my cotyledons!

    Will it still grow without the cotyledons on? A baby slug has managed to eat them of during the night in my grow room.