
  1. OccasionallyIShart

    I was told I'm dying from a brain disease and now I'm the subject of a film about Ayahuasca.

    I was a young kid playing hockey and would recieve a lot of concussions between the ages of 7 to 15. Around the age of 10 I also began to grow a completely unrelated brain tumor that wouldn't be discovered until age 20. When it was removed along with the concussions at such a young age, the...
  2. Braden Dodge

    Has anyone ever had ayahuasca before? How safe is it really?

    I have read stories of people having crazily positive life-changing experiences that remarkably transformed their personalities and outlook on life. But I am bipolar and have heard a couple experiences where people with different brain chemistries have had harrowingly traumatic experiences that...
  3. J

    DMT and MOAH inhibitors that grow wild in North America??

    Ok so i did just a quick google search and came up with several varieties of wild and local plants. The illionois bundleflower is one and wild rue was another that i focused on as it is in my region. Im currently planning a hike to seek out these wonders of nature. I have to ask, has anyone...