
  1. G

    Chose the best / poll

    Not all seeds are the same, from my personal experience I believe the following are among the best, but which one is +++ for you?
  2. G

    Archive seeds in Europe

    hi everyone, does anyone knows where is it possible to purchase “Archive seeds” in Europe? Attitude (and Choice) who they had a large variety they are know sold out and they are not sure if they are going to restock in the future , also I’ve tried to contact “Archive” via email with no response...
  3. G

    Archive seeds Europe

    hi there, does anyone knows where to buy “Archive seeds” in Europe? Is it safe to buy directly from their site which is in the USA? thx in advance
  4. G

    Archive seeds Europe

    hi there, I wonder if anyone knows a legit site in Europe to buy from the “Archive seeds” gear? thx in advance
  5. H

    Archive Seed Bank Light Speed - First Try. At First I Didn't Care Now I Do, Help.

    I popped the seed May 20th. It's been a while and this little girl just wasn't doing anything for the longest time. The first pictures are from last Thursday... that's basically what she looked like for two weeks until her seedling leaves (I'm stoned and can't remember the name) started to die...