
  1. N

    Grow tips

    Hello, everyone. I planted a couple of bagseed and one of them turned out male and the other one not showing any claws, so I figured it was female. This was when I didn't have any equipment to grow. So, the potted plant was grown outside in my balcony. After almost two months, when I got my...
  2. Tstat

    Looking to up my bubble game!

    So, I am in the process of going through my RDWC system. I bought a nice pump to pump out the solution and built a new screen. Now I'd like to upgrade my air pumps and stones. I run a 6 tote RDWC, modeled after the Current Culture set-ups. Each tote is around 20 gallons and has 2 airstones. I...
  3. ThatSpudGuy

    Airstone diffuser

    Anybody ever used them? Are they any good? Thinking of going dwc next run and trying to see if i can have the least amount of noise ie. Air pumps and air stones.
  4. Reggaefarm Rasta

    Boiling Vegitable Scraps

    Peace and blessings pon the most high Jah. We have just moved a few months ago and had to start our composting all over again. I was wondering if there's any benefit from boiling fresh/wilted veggie scraps, straining out the solids and leaving the water to brew with an airstone for a few days. I...
  5. moralpanique

    Oxygenated Water / Homebrewers

    I am a home brewer and have many kegs and at my disposal and I was wondering if anyone has ever oxygenated for watering? not just an air stone, but force oxygenation from a tank. It seems I could deliver oxygen directly to the roots. the only con I can think of would be the lowering the CO2...