18/6 vs 24/0

  1. Blossom21

    Is there optimal amount of light that you can give for photoperiod plants? 18/6 to 24 hours? And when to swap?

    Just like thhe title says, how much light would be the optiomal in the start to start growing for photoperiods, or is there such thing? I've always used 18/6, but i've seen people using 20/4 or even 24 hours at the start. I'm already at the second week with 18/6 and they seem to be at least...
  2. C

    18/6 VS 24/0 Light schedule for Autos

    18/6 Pros For hot climates, the ability to turn off lights during 6 hottest hours of the day Uses 25% less electricity than 24 hours of light a day (which adds up if you have expensive electricity) Plants are harder to stress and recover faster from problems. Often the grow light can be kept...