Your salvia trips


Active Member
ive done salvia 6 or 7 times and its been pretty good everytime. my best experience was when everything looked 2 dimensional. that and when the ground looked like a bunch of snakes slithering around.
everything i say here is false. this is my internet fantasy.
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Active Member
Salvia is the only hallucinogen I've ever tried so I was unsure what the 'trip' would be. Trust me, when it hits, rest assured you will know beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are trippin.

5x, 10x, etc are concentrated versions of the same thing. If your new to the game, I would start with 1x and see if you want to kick it up a notch from there.

I've only ever used 1x but I have a nice long-neck glass bong with a huge-ass glass bowl that you can fill right up and I fill the neck with ice for a nice cool smoke since you need to torch the ever lovin' shit out of that bowl till the salvia is *glowing*. bongsmilie

Held that funky tasting smoke and sat back wondering.... well, now what. MOMENTS later I experienced what I like to call 'silly-putty' reality. Everything gets really stretchy and drawn out. Watching TV was like a pop-up book. Shit was off the screen and on the coffee table in front of me.

Have yet to try the 5x and up, but all the 1x trips I have taken are nice, intense, and over in 15-20 minutes. Very fun, everyone should try it.
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New Member
homemade sally which was 20x+ .... I did it in my friends car and i felt like i was getting molded into the seat of the car and my body was cubing... also while that was going on i thought everything was so funny and anything my friends said i laughed at it .. my head and whole right side of body felt like it was getting sucked into a wormhole on the floor of the car .. i looked up in the rearview mirror and it looked like another deminsion .. all i can say from that is .. WTF that shit was dank man .. i made some good shit lol ... dont know if i wanna do it again lol


Active Member
Did 10x standardized salvia divinorum last night for the first time from a very reputable company. Hit it up in the bong with a blow torch, still didn't have the real salvia trips. Just saw patterns a little bit, laughed for a while, but didn't see anything remarkable. Maybe I am one of the so called hard heads? Next time I'll get twenty x.


Well-Known Member
must have been a 20x i tried it 4 times, only worked twice.

first time the room just tilted and i would percieve where the bathroom door was so i kept walking into the wall. lasted maybe 15 seconds.

second time me buddy and i did it, i fell to the living room table put my chin on it, and looked up to notice all my friends were laughing as my buddy who just laughed histericly. all my friends turned into tarrence and philip like puppets, like earnie and bert. lasted maybe 15 seconds. im not a big salvia fan.


Active Member
I had a weird trip on salvia 20x. I was home by myself, and tried it thinking I wouldn't get high since I'm pretty tolerant with drugs in general. Then I gave a GOOD two bong hits Oh boy I was so damn wrong. On the second hit I was alreayd pretty fucked up, that I left my bong hit the floor and break. I went downstairs laying on the floor on the stairs, like a Iguana, then I saw an image of myself, behind myself, and I kept turning my head to catch myself. When I came back, I was sitting on my backyard's couch. I believe it lasted 10 minutes, but felt like 24 hours. Pretty intense shit! I don't think I will do it again. lol


New Member
First time I tried sally extract it was the 60x and everything was hilarious...highly-larious; little visuals.
The second time was with the 80atomX(80x), it was like a full-blown acid trip for about 10mins. Everything was different; at first I was a little frightened because I was not expecting a trip so intense from something I bought from a head shop.

I don't know if I'm ready for the 160x let's put it that way; and I've tripped psychedelics on numerous occasions.


New Member
I don't like how it makes me sooooo hot either. I stripped down the first time I hit the 80x I was so damn hot.( my girlfriend got really mad at me because there were other girls around, lawlz)


Active Member
I hit 120x last week.

I tripped balls for like 25 minutes
i was playing GTA IV(big nono)
i seriously thought I was in the game. everything that happened, i thought as though it were a part of my life. i would look at the light bulbs my friend had around his room and i felt like everything was getting pulled toward the light. then little green men started popping out of a coke can that was sitting on his dresser.. a lot of shit randomly happened that I cant really remember but it was fun x]