Your favorite THC, munchie-inspired foods or food creations!


Just sampled my thai haze x skunk at 8 weeks of 12-14 --- and resulted in maaaad munchies!
Me and my friend were so ripped, eating Reeses pieces big cups and I made a protein shake...and she was like "blend two of these in with it!"...Needless to say, I didn't think twice in a stoned state. 30 seconds on the fast mix setting,viola! 2 Reeses pieces Big Cups blended in a cup 3% Milk... - fucking incredible! Max flavor for anyone who loves peanut butter, chocolate, and of course the two combined.!

So this brings me to the idea of the thread...

I wanna hear from you! What are your favorite munchie foods, or strange food inventions or combination you've tried while high! Im interested to try some whacked shit here!