Your Drug History


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what your drug history looked like and what you found personally appealing and what you'd never touch again?

-13 accidentally took too many Vicodin tablets and felt the effects of tripping for the first time
-17 tried cannabis for the first time
-17 tried mushrooms for the first time
-17 got drunk for the first time
-19 tried MDMA for the first time
-22 tried Xanax
-23 tried LSD

I wouldn't take Xanax again and Vicodin doesn't do much for me, everything else is appealing to me. I'd stay away from Meth, Cocaine, Heroin, PCP, stuff like that, no interest.

What about you?



Well-Known Member
c'mon padawan. a little coke is fun. don't buy too much though, otherwise you'll be calling your dealer at 3am like a junky ;)


Ursus marijanus
discovered pot at 16. Tried coke at 18 ... never again.
Stimulants (20, 46) don't do owt for me.
Finally dared trip (DMT, psilocin analog) at 38.
Used narcotics from 30 on, but responsibly until age of 45 - 48. Heroin, oxycodone, methadone. i'm done with those, but when i get a migraine i lament the lack of good pain control.
Cool prescription trips: megadose neurontin, some Imitrex that actually took me to a +1 once, smoked zolpidem and zaleplon. Whoooo. Smoked three GRAMS of bupropion base (Wellbutrin) in two hours ... tripped spiky balls for a day. Awesome, but murder on my lungs.
Best drug ever: ketamine. That's the one that could make me break my "no drugs that aren't green" policy.
Worst drugs ever: DXM (too much cough syrup) and inhaled computer duster.
cheers 'neer


New Member
grade 6 smoked weed first time
grade 10 drank for the first time, a bottle of sambucca. We ran around out side, tried to light shit on fire but were too drunk to work the lighter cause it was -40 and we weren't wearing any jackets etc.
age 18 mushrooms first time, I found them at "the circle" which is where people always sell weed here.
age 18 ecstacy for the first time, found it at the downtown mall, another place people always sell weed at. Bought weed and he was like hey I got some e too for $5
age 20 smoking weed every day
age 24 JWH (I don't do this any more), BK-MDMA, MDAI


Well-Known Member
Lemme see I started at 15 smoking cigs 16 smoked my first joint 18 xanax, heroin, white crosses, blotter acid, mushrooms. PCP, opium in my 30s meth, crystal quit that shit a couple years later tho.
But now I do my MMJ xanax for going to the dentist LOL!! and Vicodin for when the smoke don't help...
And I'm old LOL

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
So you're a little long in the tooth, eh?
Lemme see I started at 15 smoking cigs 16 smoked my first joint 18 xanax, heroin, white crosses, blotter acid, mushrooms. PCP, opium in my 30s meth, crystal quit that shit a couple years later tho.
But now I do my MMJ xanax for going to the dentist LOL!! and Vicodin for when the smoke don't help...
And I'm old LOL


Well-Known Member
you not the only one who feels it.
19(not my choice!) delodid,depravan(that shit that keeps you in a coma), percs
20- morph and perc with pot on the side along with zanx, valuim
21-23 straight pot


New Member
If you like ketamine youll like pcp

Pcp is shitted on. If your not mentally fucking stupid with common scense then pcp will treat you fine :)


These are always amusing, it's been a while since I've made "the list"... sometimes they ask you to do this when you go to a rehab\detox. Let's see if we can remember everything (doubt it).

By age (roughly), but in no particular order:

14/15 - Cannabis (gateway drug note, it was just too available; really wanted to try opium first or another of the 'safer' drugs [look in any pre-teen health propaganda booklet and compare their listed cannabis side effects to their listed opioid side effects... aside from those caused by improper\wreckless IV administration]).
15 - Percocet (Oxycodone 5mg)
15 - Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
15 - Alcohol (mixed with cannabis)
15 - Dextromethorphan
15 Methylphenidate
15/16 - Crack cocaine & cocaine powder
15/16 - MDMA (ecstasy)
15/16 - Diamorphine
16 Teonanácatl
17 2C-E (2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylphenethylamine)
17 Miprocin (4-HO-MiPT)
17 DOC (2,5-diemthoxy-4-chloroamphetamine)
17 Pharmaceutical amphetamines
17/18 Klonopin
* Ativan
* Nitrous oxide
18 Oxycodone (Oxycontin 40 or 80 mg)
18 - Morphine
18 - Oxymorphone
19 - Hydromorphone
19 - Dihydromorphinone
* Xanax
* Valium
* Nicotine

Haven't really tried anything new in a long time. Stay away from crack cocaine though, kids, you'll just end up feeling worse in the end.


Active Member
lets see, dont really remember ages but

weed, duh
ruffies (wouldnt recommend)
synthetic heroine (not the real shit just pills, i hate needles )

pretty much ill try anything once. and i have done soooooooo many drugs in my youth, i have eaten 10 xo's (extacy) at once. shrooms literally grow in my back yard, but now i have settled down and though im still up for a good time, the conditions have to be right, mostly i just stick to pot, every now and then ill trip on shrooms or something at the rennassanse festival but hell im still waiting for that adrenalcrone
Hmmm, it's a bit hard to remember the age exactly, but here it goes:

13 - weed and tobacco, still am not a big fan of tobacco I hate that shit haha
15 - Coke
15 - Meth (I was actually tricked into buying it 3 times thinking it was some high quality stuff, that'll teach me to never trust hoodlums again....)
15- Shrooms
15 - Beer and Alcohol
16 - Morphine/Heroin
16 - Prescription drugs(Xanax, codine, lorazopam, 2c-i, vicodin, oxycodone, and a lot of others that I just randomly ate)
16 - MDMA(or do they call it Molly?) and Street-pressed E
17 - LSD
18 - Nitro

I will say that a lot of it was because of friends in highschool haha


Well-Known Member
all sort of pills
...................thats about it...all befor age 20...24 now and bout 90% pot....with 10% of other shit sprinkled in every now and then..birthdays, so on

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Just wondering what your drug history looked like and what you found personally appealing and what you'd never touch again?

-13 accidentally took too many Vicodin tablets and felt the effects of tripping for the first time
-17 tried cannabis for the first time
-17 tried mushrooms for the first time
-17 got drunk for the first time
-19 tried MDMA for the first time
-22 tried Xanax
-23 tried LSD

I wouldn't take Xanax again and Vicodin doesn't do much for me, everything else is appealing to me. I'd stay away from Meth, Cocaine, Heroin, PCP, stuff like that, no interest.

What about you?
15- alcohol for the first time
15- weed for the first time
15-20- smoking weed daily
16- mushrooms
16- Ecstacy
20-23- Coke, adderall, oxy's, xanax every now and again
24- Weed, alcohol, mushrooms

There's more but I cant remember when like heroin, morphine, methadone, and salvia

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
15-inhalents (wish somebody would have smacked the shit outta me for this one) for damn near a year..gasoline..
nothing agaion until 28 besides tthe occasional alcohoolic beveridge...
28 to present (31) WEED


New Member
I have no clue how old I was when I first did most things...

14 - Weed (possibly best day of life...discovering sweet ganja)
oh wait cigarettes first, like 3-4 months...long enough to be good at smoking
15- alcohol... still like good beer...but have had MANY negative experiences with booze... MANY!!!
20 - coke, meth and LSD twice...did coke and meth for 6 years...will never do anymore :)
24 - pharms...LOTS of xanax and valium... and a good bit of random other things

today I dont do any hard drugs...NO pills, not even alieve...just reefer and a lil alcohol about twice a month...I smoke a TON of weed though ;) Very stoned now actually :D

edit read post above mine and forgot about inhalents :( I huffed some stuff a few times...the wah wahs were cool, but thats some pretty stupid shit to do :) oh and I've done a lot of dope...:-?


Well-Known Member
Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Morphine, Oxycontin, Dilaudid, Xanax, Adderall, Flexiril, etc...

I'm sure there's more, that's just off the top...

These days just booze, bongs, and an occassional pill...


Well-Known Member
mines pretty basic and mostly natural...

20-opium (a summerly treat.)

planning to try shrooms eventually, when the time is right. as far as other drugs I can't say I have very much interest, besides maybe getting pure coca leaf to get some work done ;)