young sprouts with brown leaves..can they make it!!? :/

*first post:peace:

im writing on behalf of my amigo and his brother, due to them not having an account here. as most of you know we got alot of rain on the east coast sat/sunday and so the guys said they went out to check them monday and the plants were totally submerged in water but still standing. but anyways they drained them and supposedly all was well. but today i get a call and he sent me over some pics and i haven't experienced anything like this so i wasn't really sure what to tell them, other than they prob just need a good 'ol burst of sunshine and the girls should perk back. but does anyone have any other suggestions?

*they have a rubbermaid cfl setup in the house that we used a while back, and im not quite sure why they didnt do this from the start but i told them it'd prob be a good idea for them to put the injured babies in there for a little rehabilitation till they can survive the outdoors. if we do this, would 24/0 sched for a week do the trick and get them back to the healthy life they are longing for?
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thanks ahead of time:)


Well-Known Member
they look ready much boned, haha sorry to say.
they are extremely young, their best bet is to start over and not worry about those babys
get sum new seeds and start over, its jsut not worth the time (and i doubht it is even possible to bring them back from the hell they are in)
and yes, do start them in their CFL indoor setup.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, start new plants for sure, if you want you can try to see if the bad ones can make it but I wouldnt bother personally. Start new ones no matter what you decide to do though.