Young seedling problem.


New Member
Hey guys! I am a new grower, this is my first time in the forum also. The problem I have concerns one of my young spouts. I currently have three young seedlings going on, all planted the same day, in the same organic medium, giving them nothing but water since I planted the seeds, and although the two of them already have their second pair of leaves, the third one hadn't even popped out of the soil. So yesterday was the tenth day since i planted the seeds, and I decided to snoop around a bit. I was afraid i had planted the seed too far below, So I gently removed a very small amount of the top soil and I could see the cotyledons but they were kind of yellowish, nothing like the other two. I though that if some sun would hit it, it would be revived. But still the cotyledons are yellow and more shrivelled than first. So I was a bit frustrated and wanted to see what went wrong. I already know that probably this one is dead so I took it out of the pot, gently and found out that the little stalk was coiled up way more than normal trying to find a way out . Which is weird because I had planted the seed about an inch deep. It shouldn't have any trouble to reach the surface. The root system was ok , I was very carefully not to destroy it. The cotyledons are brown but still on the sprout. My question is: is there a way to save it, should I bother? Thanks for your patience guys any kind advise is welcomed.
Never poke around in the medium to see how its going while a seeds is germinating.
True, you are correct. However I grew impatient after 10 days, because the other 2 seeds had already grew their 2nd pair of leaves. Any suggestions? should I plant it again? The sprout seems OK beside the brown cotyledons, could it grow roots as it is?
Ok next time give 3 weeks if nothing then throw it in the bin. Sometimes seeds can take up to 3 weeks to surface but still become great plants.