"You cant handle the truth"


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Marine Combat Vet Kicked Out of Senate Meeting For Speaking Too Much Truth
By Andrew Emett

Lansing, MI — After returning from Iraq, Dakota Serna found himself battling PTSD and taking prescription pills for roughly three years after leaving the service. Due to a botched hernia operation, doctors began prescribing painkillers along with his antidepressants, leading to ulcers in his stomach and intestines.

With the prescription pills taking their toll on his body and mind, Serna abandoned the FDA-approved medications after a friend shared a joint with him. No longer suffering from incessant nightmares and insomnia, Serna found that his anxiety had decreased, and his patience had returned. Instead of making him more hostile, cannabis offered Serna a peace of mind that the nauseating combination of pills never gave him.

During a Senate Committee meeting last week in Lansing, Michigan, Serna spoke before the members to discuss HB 4209 and how it affects medical marijuana patients. According to Michigan state law, patients suffering from a number of illnesses, including Alzheimer's disease, cancer, HIV, seizures, and PTSD, qualify for medical marijuana. Before his microphone was suddenly cut off, Serna had been attempting to explain how HB 4209 places a greater tax burden on people who barely survive on fixed incomes.

"I am a veteran," Serna addressed the panel. "A Marine. Served my country. Fought in Iraq. And I've received, and battle with PTSD to this very day. Now, I didn't just get my post-traumatic stress from rolling down the street and seeing car bombs or having mortars falling out of the sky and hurt a few people. No. I kicked in doors, and I killed people from distances less than we are from each other."

"I've seen children skewered from rebar from collapsed buildings. Skewered! I've seen human remains. I've watched my friends die at my feet. And that's just my struggle. And medical marijuana is the thing that saved my life."

While asking the Committee to vote "no" on HB 4209, Serna explained that many people on disability cannot afford the tax hike in the bill. Upset that many patients would no longer be able to afford both their food and medicine, Serna explained, "This bill not only takes more money from them, it taxes their medicine -- you're going to give some of that medicine to the sheriff's department, the jackboots, the thugs that come into people's homes and kick in the door."

At that point, State Senator Rick Jones had Serna's mic cut off and ordered him out of the building. After being unable to finish his testimony before the hearing, Serna recently spoke with the Free Thought Project to discuss his political actions and his experience with marijuana. Unlike the Michigan legislator, we did not interrupt him.

DS: The point I was making to senator Jones is that lawmakers and current laws allow for drug task forces to kick in doors and ruin American citizen's lives over a plant. The sheriff's departments make up a significant portion of these task forces. I used the term thugs because that's how I viewed my own self sometimes when I was kicking in doors in Iraq. I had no idea he would react in such a manner.

AE: You were prescribed antipsychotics, antidepressants, xanax, vicodin, tramadol, oxycodone, depakote, and apresoline all at the same time. How adverse were your reactions to that horrid cocktail?

DS: Oh man… It was bad. I had no idea it was the pills early on. I struggled with anger, guilt, suicidal, and homicidal thinking. I couldn't grab the bull by its horns so to say. I kept digging myself deeper into a hole that resulted in a ruined marriage and drinking binges. I was on scripts for about three years after leaving the service. I was still having the same mental issues, but I noticed I was having internal issues as well.

DS: I found out I had ulcers in my stomach and intestines. I was put on more medication to start treating that. One night after a week of being on depakote, I had a bad episode which scared me. I stopped taking all my medication. The very next day I found a friend, we smoked a joint. I haven't looked back since. I'm off all prescriptions.

AE: How does marijuana affect you in comparison?

DS: I'm able to go a few nights without dreaming. I'm not waking up every other hour in a pool of sweat, screaming. I don't react to situations with immediate hostility. I'm able to process things much better before I make a decision. I'm able to keep myself from going overboard with anger. I have such a higher quality and love for life now. I wouldn't change a thing.

AE: From your perspective, how does HB 4209 negatively affect patients?

DS: I don't think that the legislators really know how disabled some of the patients are. These are some of the sickest people I've ever met. A majority live on minuscule disability checks and already struggle to survive financially. 4209 takes even more money from them.

AE: Is there anything you'd like to say that you were unable to at the senate meeting?

DS: I met with Jones a few weeks prior to testifying. His belief is that cannabis is okay to use only in terminal cancer patients. He hasn't received proper medical cannabis education and therefore in my opinion, shouldn't be on a panel that makes decisions that affect the lives of Michigan's patients. Would you trust a plumber to fix your car?

DS: I have the upmost love and respect for law enforcement. I have friends and family on the blue side. My comments weren't directed at all police. Just the laws and lawmakers.

AE: Do you think it would be more effective if marijuana patients contacted Jones and told him their stories or is there no hope in changing his mind?

DS: I don't think so. He is pretty dead set at opposing any new "social drug." I think it would take a big demonstration or two, to maybe get favor from more of his colleagues rather than worry about one man. Although it wouldn't hurt to flood his office with calls.

at least they didnt break his arm like congress has been known to do to visitors.
It's a shame that these politicians treat our veterans this way. This man remained "civil" throughout the entirety of his statements. Even when he tried to correct himself from making the remarks about who he thought the real thugs were, the Senator cut him off immediately, showing little to no respect for the man and what he experienced. They send these soldiers to the Middle East to fight in a war that has no end in sight, witnessing and taking part in human atrocities, then expect them to come home and pretend like everything's going to be okay. It's not. Treating our Veterans like CRAP and not listening to their needs will result in more chaos.
Combat Vet Now Being Monitored by Police For Speaking The Truth in a Senate Meeting
By Andrew Emett

Lansing, MI -- Kicked out of a Senate Committee meeting last week while defending medical marijuana patients, U.S. veteran Dakota Serna received a phone call on Tuesday informing him that the Senate police are routinely checking his Facebook page. The state senator who had Serna's mic cut off and ordered him out of the building now refuses to meet with Serna in his office and will only conduct any future meetings with him at the security desk.

One day after the Free Thought Project published an exclusive interview with Serna, the former Marine received a phone call on Tuesday morning from the man who had escorted him out of the chambers. According to Serna, the man called to inform him that State Senator Rick Jones has ordered the Senate police to observe his Facebook profile and will no longer meet with Serna in private because he makes the legislator "nervous."

While defending people with disabilities, Serna testified before the Senate Committee as a combat veteran suffering from PTSD who ceased taking prescription pills because of the adverse effects to his body and mind. After discovering medical marijuana, Serna no longer awakens every other hour screaming and covered in sweat. Before his microphone was suddenly cut off, Serna had been attempting to explain howHB 4209 places a greater tax burden on medical marijuana patients who barely survive on fixed incomes.

Although Serna did not directly ask anyone to contact the state senator, apparently Jones ordered the Senate police to start watching Serna's Facebook page and refused to meet with him in his office after an irate veteran from California called Jones' office to give the politician a piece of his mind. Shortly after receiving the phone call, Serna wrote on Facebook: "I may be upset, but I wish no harm on anyone. A peaceful mindset. That's one of the true beauties of cannabis. Crazy what standing up for our basic rights does to those who make the rules."

Serna also wrote, "I have mad respect for the security that escorted me out of the chambers. They could have hauled me off kicking and screaming, but chose to respectfully ask me to leave."

After receiving the phone call, Serna spoke again with the Free Thought Project to divulge what the officer told him.

AE: They actually called you to say Jones has the Senate police monitoring your Facebook page?

DS: Dude said he was looking at my Facebook and was calling to let me know if I wanted to meet Jones. He doesn't feel comfortable meeting me in his office. So I would have to meet him at the security desk.

AE: Did he explain why Jones requires extra security around you now?

DS: I guess the call from California was pretty bad. I assured the officer that they didn't have to worry about me at all.

AE: Do you want to clarify to readers that you appreciate the calls to Jones' office but also remind them not to lose their temper?

DS: Yes, please. I would ask them to please keep it polite and respectful. Be better than them. My battles are fought with peace and love, brother. Me keeping my cool while Jones fired at me was much more powerful than any temper tantrum I could throw.

With the Senate police keeping an eye on his Facebook profile, Serna recently posted a quote from civil rights leader and COINTELPRO target, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:
"Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him."