YieldPots show same results as other fabric pots!


Active Member
Its about that time when after months of growing you can actually see a difference in the root ball and size of plants. This was a test that we conducted with 2 fabric pots one was expensive and the other was cheaper... Yieldpots and Geopots! Honestly both did the same thing! Infact we like how the yieldpots took a little extra time to drain and didnt just run out the side of the bag like the other fabric pots! We use many pots probably around 200 - 300 pots every two months and our facility has been using the Yieldpots for about 1 year now and only seen comparable results at half the price! Just wanted to post these comparative pics!

Once you go fabric you dont go back! YP_YieldPotsVSGeoPots_1.jpg