

Hi guys,
I have been looking into changing from magnetic to digital ballasts(4 of), I have researched this topic quiet a bit now.
All the posts i have read talk about the heat difference, the humming, the price and the 60w difference in power consumption
(and that it would take X amount of years to make up for the price diff) Ect ect ect. :wall:

The question is does a 600w digi yield more than a magnetic 600w fitting? (found alot of posts comparing 600w digis to 1000w magnetics but stiil not much info)

Lets face it, who is gunna give a rats about payin an extra 100 bucks if it yields more. I mean if u can get an extra oz. out its paid for itself first time round.
So I was wondering if any of you guys have changed from magnetic to digis? if so have you noticed a diff? And yes i know there is many variables and it would be
hard to compare a 1 oz. difference in yeild between grows. (but maybe somone has had a noticeable increase in yield?)

In my eyes there is no point payin the extra if it isn't going to yield more! The rest of the differences are insignificant except the reliability factor.
What do you guys Reckon?



Well-Known Member
Digital ballasts are more efficient, so yes, they will increase your yield. I couldn't tell you by how much. That depends on too many other things....including how efficient your existing magnetic ballast is compared to any new one you might buy.

Chances are pretty good that it'll save you money in the long run because you're very likely to be getting more light for your electricity.


Well, in efficient as - what goes in (power in) to what goes out (light), yes, slightly. As the electronic ballast wont have a loss of 60 odd watts in eddy currents like the magnetic ballast.
which is minimal. But the difference in operating frequency is a factor that could give an electronic ballast the advantage (20KHz as compared to 50Hz). And im thinkin thats the only way
that a digital ballast would significanly out perform a magnetic ballast. By having a more constant light over a given time.

But how much of difference this makes is a unknown?

probably should just bite the bullet and buy a few and see if they are what they are cracked up to be, just wish the manufacturers
would stop pissing in everyones pocket by making all these outragous claims.

cheers for the reply majorcoco - have u used digis before?