

Active Member
this is my first major grow. i have 36 plants under 4 1000watts bulbs... i use the "fuzzy root system" and other macro and micro essentials, all from advanced nutrients. if everything goes well what kind of yield should i expect from each plant out of my blueberry project? I heard anything below 2 ounces is pathetic correct????


Well-Known Member
Anything over 1.5 grams per watt you will be a VERY successful even 1 g per watt is great.It all depends on the way you go about it, Stadium grows produce outstanding yields.So i take it you have a few smaller grows under your belt?Cause thats some big time ballin 4kw and 36 plants.I did a 5 plant rotation getting 5 plants every 2 weeks and it was a hell of alot of work trying to keep 25 plants and clones every 2 weeks Gl hope it works for you.


Well-Known Member
hey man wat ever u gro is what u gro doesnt matter if its below 2 ounces below or wat bud is bud n if ur gunna think like that i dnt think u should be on this forum man not alot of people will like that her but juss to give u an estimate of what i think 5-7 pounds dry weight


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU,That ? is asked everyday and that is no way to greet someone totally out of line.And i would like to no which rabbitt you pulled that figure out of not knowing how long he intends to veg his plants and his watts per sqft,and his hole setup?His question does not bother me one bit and others can speak for themselfs.And the nerve of you to tell him hes not welcome on this forum is insane....


Active Member
This is my first major grow including the advanced nutrients, maybe i should have been clearer. Has anyone used the "fuzzy root system?" and if so what was your yield like? And what do u think my yield will be like? In terms of ounces per plant. In the past i've grown a whiteberry plant and got 2 ounces i thought it was pathetic yield underbut some of the best i've ever blown ya dig?


New Member
with that equipment I woud get about 4oz a plant, depending on your experience, method of growing, space, veg time, strain etc you may get less or more but thats what i'd be aiming for if i was you