yield and size question

ok so the grow space i am going to be using will be roughly 5 feet tall(not including lights. etc.) 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep. I have order 5 feminized white widow seeds and wait on their arrival. Being as this is my first grow, i need to know would i get a better yield by growing 5 smaller plants, 1 large plant, or somewhere in the middle?
i as thinking of using a system that will lower several cfls down with a chain and adjust as needed for veg then hps during flowering. although someone said putting tube type cfls on the walls may be better


Well-Known Member
run cfl's during veg and hps in flower you will be fine...try 1 pot see how it goes since this is your first grow dont throw all your eggs in 1 basket in case something happens...but grow 1 top it lst it play around find what works in your space...hope that helps...


I would defintaley germinate only one lil girl. polygemy is looked down upon... haha. No but for serious, its your first grow. Grow one, learn from, learn from the forum, and your best education will come from personal experience.
Definately learn about lst, topping, and other methods for producing a shorter, bushier plant with plenty tops for premium bud. Check the advanced cultiavation forum on this site and Uncle Ben shall help you out.

I am in flower week 5 with one plant under T5 fluorescents and she is turning out to be beauty. So experiment and ask questions, but try out 1; maybe two if you smoke alot, cuz it takes MINIMUM 3 months, minimummm..

peace, goodluck