yet another bad day


Well-Known Member
It looks fine, very fertilized. Dont give it any more or else.... It needs very little nutes at this point. Its a small plant with small roots and can only take in so much. Is it pre fertilized soil?

The other post is correct. Need more info. Good luck


It looks fine, very fertilized. Dont give it any more or else.... It needs very little nutes at this point. Its a small plant with small roots and can only take in so much. Is it pre fertilized soil?

The other post is correct. Need more info. Good luck
im growing indoors in a 4x2 tent using a viparspectra 450w full spec the plant is in fourth week of veg watering every other day and nutrients are grow big by foxfarm with ocean forrest soil nutrients are 1tsp per gallon and is used after 2 normal water feedings.


Well-Known Member
I use FF sometimes as well. Ok, If you're only using the grow big, there just well fed good job. You're gonna rock big plants with that light. Im using mars hydro tsw 2000 (310w) and its the best led I've had to date. Yours is very comparable just more wattage. Good luck


I use FF sometimes as well. Ok, If you're only using the grow big, there just well fed good job. You're gonna rock big plants with that light. Im using mars hydro tsw 2000 (310w) and its the best led I've had to date. Yours is very comparable just more wattage. Good luck
should i be worried about her sagging so much and looking so sad?


Well-Known Member
Mine do that sometimes too, but from my experience I would just stop feeding it for a few rounds. Do you PH your water? Mine sometimes look like that when my lights are off, or just turned back on. It can be a lot of factors. Honestly though it looks really good and healthy. I also spray my plants with plain PhD water when I feed or water. I don't know if there is any science, but my thought is that the plant would know when its raining, And would prepare better to take in nutrients, just a hypothesis. Peace, and take care