yes... another first grow.. and yes please comment... thx


Active Member
So this is my second attempt at a “first grow”… the first ended with at this thred...

The following is just getting up to today… About 6 weeks ago I ordered and got my Crystal seeds from here… Crystal Marijuana Seeds. I figured NL and WW mix can’t go wrong for the first shot... I got 10 (+the extra 5 sativa), and germinated 5. I screwed up by using jiffy pots and 2-20W floros that just got my hopes up and then dashed them after a four day trip that I wasn’t able to water them during…

During this time I spent a good month getting everything together…

250 W MH and HPS light
Organic soil
pH meter
Organic Nutrients (Fox Farms yeah!) and pH buffers
Drip system (for when I’m on the road for work)
Thermometer and barometer
Other crap…

And wha-la-prest-o-change-o… my grow-room




Active Member
So after the first failed attempt I germinated another three seeds (5/4) and to give it another go. After day three of the germ, I put each in its own 16oz drink cup that I punched holes in the bottom for drainage (5/7). They are clear plastic... so I found out the hard way that I had to shield the roots from the light… (thanks marcus420!) Anywho.. back to the grow… Two of the three came up 5/8. The third never did anything... I’m not sure what went wrong with it.

I started with just Britta tap filtered water that was pHed down to ~6.3. That’s a half cup per plant on 5/7 and then again on 5/11.

I then followed Videoman’s lead and picked up a block of dry ice. I got 40lbs on 5/12 and kept feeding chunks until I was out on 5/15.

Here’s what they looked then…



Active Member
All of this brings us to today…

So after the post on 5/15, I decided to wrap the cup with foil... give them some Big Bloom and some other organic 12-6-6 nutes @ 2 tsp/half gal… and raise the light by about 9 inches. So I gave them each a half cup of water and nutes on 5/15. Then again on 5/17 to make sure the soil would still be moist for a weekend transplant.

On 5/19 I transplanted them into some 5 or 6 gal pots that I had pre-wetted with just pH (~6.3) balanced water before the move. I also decided to bust out a beer brewing carboy and get a cheep-o co2 generator going with bread yeast and table sugar (that’s what is wrapped in the towel in the room pictures.

I took some more pics today and you can kind of see the yellow starting to fade from the damage done pre-5-15. I’m calling them plant 1 and 3 three for future reference… Plant one pics are first. It’s about 3.5 inches tall with strong 3rd-node leaves… that is third and not fourth right (I still can’t figure out then you count a node or not). Plant 3 is only 3 inches tall and the 3rd-node leaves are just now starting to bust out. I did notice that the roots for #3 seemed to be more developed when I transplanted them.

I like the node spacing as I have about 4 feet total height in the “room”, but I also am thinking about LST (what does that stand for BTW?) and am looking for some advice on when to start the training.

Next post has more pics of #3...




Looks like your lights could be a tad closer - be careful with the nutrients when they're in fresh soil as there's plenty in there for a few weeks.

make sure when you water, you water evenly, this is important to get the roots to use the full space of your pot, 5 gallons should grow a lovely girl, i have a white widow mother in one right now.


Active Member
your plant is doing pretty good. keep up the hard work.

just curious for own use,where did you get your mylar?

ive tried home depot, lowes, all the art stores, pretty much EVERYTHING in my city. no luck.



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Here are some pics from day 16...

I've been seeing this leaf curl on plant 1 since I transplanted... not sure what it is. Any thoughts? I suspect it's just they way this one is going to be.

The pots are feeling light and I think I should water them tonight... but I'm going to wait it out one more day. I have a five day trip starting the day after tomorrow and I don't want them to dry out while I'm not here to help if needed.

I dropped the light about 6 - 9 inches. They aren't getting burning, but it's getting hotter where the plants are. I figure 87 F is pushing it though...



Active Member
hmm the curling on the leaves looks heat related. yea 87 is way to hot. not only will it fry your beautiful babies, but higher temperatures increase chances of males.


scope out and comment my grow if you can. thanks



Active Member
Shit last night I had a dream that when I got back to my babies that they were spewing green bubbly ooze and had all kinds of bad nasties growing on them…

Good news it was just a bad dream.

They seem to be doing well. They’re about 8 inches tall… on about the 6 set. They could take a drink... but still nicely hydrated. And they are starting to emit the nicest smell. I’m a little surprised my dog sitter didn’t say anything... I’m glad she’s a hippy. It looks like it’s time to get videoman’s DIY air freshener going.

I’m going to start with some LST tomorrow. I think I’ll give them another week or one more cycle of watering and then start the 12/12 flowering with the HPS. I’ll keep ya’ll up to date on this process.

Here’s day 21 pics…



Well-Known Member
Mine was smelling alot at that stage too. I dont know if I am used to it now or the smell is not as strong but I hardly notice it and I am on week 3 of flowering


Active Member
Today is the day they get tied down… I sure hope they like it as much as I do :wink:

Fed and watered them too. I also found a CFL that is coated so that it produces ozone. So I also have a small O3 generator in the room holding down the smell.

Here’s day 22…

Thanks for the kind words russ0r & midgrade…

I can’t wait for the three weeks smell Mattso



Active Member
Well I broke off two fan leaves while trying to tuck them back... See the two are missing in front left of the right most photo...

And it looks like they are getting some N burn. Just very slight right now.

But, they are adjusting to the light.. just like they should.



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With much thanks to Mogie for the post at ... I've found the first preflower and it's a girl!!! YEAH!!!!

This is #3... she's doing fine without her two fan leaves. I've checked all over plant #1 and I can't find any signs of preflowers. Here take a look for yourself... What do you think?

My thought now is to let them go another week before I switch to 12/12 and the HSP. When I water them next (within a couple of days) I plan on going with some FF Open Sesame (5-45-19) and Big Bloom (0.01-0.3-0.7) or maybe just water. Any advice out there???



Well-Known Member
hard to tell from that pic (3rd one on the right), but it looks like a female to me. good job. dont worry too much about the 2 fan leaves that broke off, she wont miss them at all.

Us the MH & HPS both during flowering.

continue the veg nutes thru the first week of flowering

take a clone or two from the bottom of the plant before you go into flowering, its really easy and we have some great how-to's on this site.

keep up the good work, pretty soon U'll be knee high in buds.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice and kind words Spittn4cash

I wish I could go with both MH and HPS... but I've just got the one 250W ballast and have to do one or the other.

I was planning on going with some higher N early on the flower. This is to keep the non-flower growth going strong right?

Lights and space are going to stop me from cloning, but I kind of hope the other is a male so I can get some seeds... on the other hand I have two more seeds... so f that.. I want them both to be females.

thanks again for the advice... it's much appreciated.