Yelowing leaves on 4 w old autoflower - see pics!


hi guys:

My girls are acting a little strange. From about 1 week ago the bottom leaves got yellow and dry, I thought this was because of the leaves touching the soil/coco mix, but today I can see that some of the big leaves on the top is getting yellow at the end - not like nutrient burn, but maybe cal/mag? Or something else ? I've used: biobizz biogrow, algamic and top max. Ph is tested with a drip test kit to around 6.

Other than that I think the plants look good and they are growing everyday. This is my first grow !
The pictures are from 2 of my 6 plants, Grown under 1 600w HPS and 4 cfl's (cold White) temperature is ranging from 70's to maximum 84. Rh: 40-50%. The girls are exactly 4 weeks today and grown in 11 L pots. image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg

Thanks guys !
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