Well-Known Member
Alright everyone kinda new here, I set up an account a long time ago and never ended up growing but now I'm back and I'm on my first grow. With all that said I picked up some pretty dank stuff that my guy said was blue cheese and I ended up finding 1 lonely little seed in the bag so I threw it in a small container after it germed.
I put it outside and to my surprise it started taking off.. its about 2 1/2 or so weeks old and everything was fine until I transplanted it into the bigger pot. Ever since I did that all the leaves are yellowing. After transplanting I watered til I had runoff out of the bottom, possible over watering? Now they are all still perky when the sun is out and shining and seem to be growing fine but the yellowing is getting worse and worse.
I do have a proper grow setup coming and I ordered a bunch of new and different seeds off attitude a couple days ago and even though this was just kinda like a trial run outside I don't want to lose it. Also it didn't help that when I woke up this morning it was pouring out so I ran out and removed it from the rain immediately. Hope the picture helps and maybe someone can give me some advice. It's in the feeds up to 3 months miracle grow soil. It's not what I wanted to use for it but it was here and I had to order some fox farms. Not really any shops like that around here. Thanks everyone!
I put it outside and to my surprise it started taking off.. its about 2 1/2 or so weeks old and everything was fine until I transplanted it into the bigger pot. Ever since I did that all the leaves are yellowing. After transplanting I watered til I had runoff out of the bottom, possible over watering? Now they are all still perky when the sun is out and shining and seem to be growing fine but the yellowing is getting worse and worse.
I do have a proper grow setup coming and I ordered a bunch of new and different seeds off attitude a couple days ago and even though this was just kinda like a trial run outside I don't want to lose it. Also it didn't help that when I woke up this morning it was pouring out so I ran out and removed it from the rain immediately. Hope the picture helps and maybe someone can give me some advice. It's in the feeds up to 3 months miracle grow soil. It's not what I wanted to use for it but it was here and I had to order some fox farms. Not really any shops like that around here. Thanks everyone!