Yellowing new growth, Weird spotting.


Well-Known Member

Woke up this morning and noticed the new growth looks yellowish, anyone have any idea what's causing this and if I should be concerned.


Well-Known Member
my first bet would be a magnesium and/or nitrogen defeiency, do the "pot" have drain hole`s in it ? and what kind of soil you in ? and for how long ? need a lot more info to give good advice, do you feed her anything yet ? and what kind of water do you use, RO or Tap ?

if it was me, my solution would be a repot, in a nice big pot with good drain holes in the bottom and some fresh quality soil in it


Well-Known Member
Yes there's drain holes.

Miracle Grow moisture control.

No nutes yet.

Tap water, But the PH is fine.

I flushed the whole pot about a week ago.


Well-Known Member
then I guess you got your answer, you probably flushed a lot of the nutrients out and its hungry, try to add a bit nutrients in your next watering (veg nuts with a high % of nitrogen) go 1/2 strength of what ever nutrients you use, even tho it do show signs of a deficiency it is still a young plant, but I would still consider a repot, in to a dark/black pot with some fresh soil, Im 100% that will fix it and also give it room to grow more


Well-Known Member
Besides heating the soil, why do you suggest a dark or black pot? What does heating the soil do anyway? I'm new to outdoor growing.


Well-Known Member
well roots don't like light that much, only reason why I did suggest one in black, I guess there is a reason why most is dark or made or some light proof materiel

if you do the repot, you got fresh soil = fresh nutrients and won't really need to start on the nuts for another week or two, atleast go slow

what kind do you use ?


Well-Known Member
they look like they are overfertilized, which would make sense as you flushed a soil with time release ferts in it.


Well-Known Member
well roots don't like light that much, only reason why I did suggest one in black, I guess there is a reason why most is dark or made or some light proof materiel

if you do the repot, you got fresh soil = fresh nutrients and won't really need to start on the nuts for another week or two, atleast go slow

what kind do you use ?
This is my first yr. outdoors so I'm doing a lot of experimenting. Right now I've got plants in holes filled with FFOF and I've got Smartpots, clay pots and plastic pots. Only time will tell.