Yellowing leaves I'm worried


Could I please get some help with my problem?
I do not know what to do about this situation
here is a photo of the problem. Please any and all advice is welcome.
Need more info let me know.

i am using canna terra soil, canna terra vega and canna tera flower although I haven't really used
canna terra vega yet I did during weeks 2-3 it is 46 days old. I use distilled water.

I also use a 250 watt hps light. I have a fan running 18/6 with the light cycle.

It is not the only problem area it is the fan leaves I have trimmed some away prior to photos.

more photos added



Well-Known Member
That's the only problem area? Post pic of whole plant, maybe give some info on ur grow room soil light ect...or, just stop feedin and watering so much...


New Member
Hey guys, I got the same problem with the yellow leaves. I'm a newbie ! Not sure if I'm watering too often, or what. Any help would be appreciated...IMG_0459.jpgIMG_0460.JPG (2).jpg
I would probably mist that alot less more of a fine mist so tighten your nozzle. and Maybe nute burn? how is the heat in that space? how close are your lights? start a thread so your not stealing this dudes and we can reply there. give us more info on your grow. soil? nutes? all that how old what not.


New Member
Could I please get some help with my problem?
I do not know what to do about this situation
here is a photo of the problem. Please any and all advice is welcome.
Need more info let me know.

i am using canna terra soil, canna terra vega and canna tera flower although I haven't really used
canna terra vega yet I did during weeks 2-3 it is 46 days old. I use distilled water.

I also use a 250 watt hps light. I have a fan running 18/6 with the light cycle.

It is not the only problem area it is the fan leaves I have trimmed some away prior to photos.

more photos added
Doesn't look bad to me, a little discoloration happens from time to time. Next time don't hack off all the bad stuff before ya take the picture lol
Looks ok now though

Hey guys, I got the same problem with the yellow leaves. I'm a newbie ! Not sure if I'm watering too often, or what. Any help would be appreciated...View attachment 2828478View attachment 2828479
What you're doing is called hijacking and, while not as serious as the name suggests, is considered poor forum etiquette. The appropriate course of action would be to open your own thread and present your queries there.