Yellowing Leaves due to PH level?

Good evening!

My little 11 day old babys are growing super fast, but 2 of them have yellowing tips of their leaves which are also drying out.

I dont have any heat issues and I also fed them a dose of technoflora vegging nutes. I water them with tap water and dont bother with the PH. Do you think this is the issue?

REP+ TO ALL!!!! :joint:
Any time you use nutrients you should definitely ph. You should ideally do it always, because tap water ph can vary widely. It is most likely nutrient burn. Flush the plants with twice the amount of water the pot can hold, with water around 6.5ph give or take a little. Hard to give an exact diagnosis without seeing the plants, but that is probably the first place you should start.

Hope that helps and if there is anything else you are having trouble with just give a shout. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Your rep dont count until you have 3 green bars. LoL. Thanks any ways. The problem is you are giving seedlings nutes. I would stop that asap. Good luck.
Very good point haloman. Had some oversight there due to the medicine :)
Those seedlings are too young. Wait until about a month of growth before you introduce nutrients. Do so at 1/4 to 1/2 dosage and gradually add as time goes by and the plants mature.