Yellowing Leafs ... PLEASE HELP!

Hi guys, i need major help in identifying the problem with my plant. These 2 Diesel Ryder maryjane (photos below) is in 1 tupperware with hydroponics DWC system. They are both under the same light regime and distance too (24/0 ) There seems to be major nutrient burn on the right plant, yet it seems okay with the lefty.. well, only some tip burns and asmall yellowspot .... anyone had any ideas why !? Any inputs appreciated.

The plant on the right

The lefty
i always calibrate my pH meter to 7.0 , before adding in the 2-part hydro solution into the water and adjust the pH to 5.9 using an aquarium (safe for fish n plants) pH up/down ... these 2 plants is sharing the same water bath.. and if the right plant's yellowing.. the left should be too right !?


Well-Known Member
They look fine brother, Are you veging under Cfls? a little yellow is normal.However Advanced Nuts makes somthing called Revive. Its very cheap and will fix any nut burn or nut lock you might have caused.


Well-Known Member
Nute lockout. I guess this because of the tip burn and the bottom leaf looks like a N deficiency. Just my .02

It looks like there is salt on the mesh pot container and the hydroton is white/salty looking too maybe a salt buildup causing these problems?
They look fine brother, Are you veging under Cfls? a little yellow is normal.However Advanced Nuts makes somthing called Revive. Its very cheap and will fix any nut burn or nut lock you might have caused.
Really? I'm quite worried since this is my first grow.. and im doing it on hydro too... I'm in the far side of the world (Asia) where i cannot easily get AN from over the counter :( i'm using a local hydroponic 2-part solution suitable for flowering plants.. I'm changing my water to distilled (previously mineral) and increasing the water to solution ratio - previously 10ml+10ml to 1L -> 10ml+10ml to 1.25L Till then, i will let it grow for another week or so , to see improvements on...
Nute lockout. I guess this because of the tip burn and the bottom leaf looks like a N deficiency. Just my .02

It looks like there is salt on the mesh pot container and the hydroton is white/salty looking too maybe a salt buildup causing these problems?
I hope that it nutlock instead of the latter... since i will not know where to get Nitrogen for hydroponic plants in my area.. I really suspect the salt buildup coming from the mineral water that i've been using. I'm changing it to distilled/drinking water asap, and see how it goes...