yellowing help


Well-Known Member
plants are potted in coco 3 weeks into flower they have started to yellow
from the bottom up including my big fan leaves. tried adding pro-cal to feed
still the same plzz help ph 6.2 using AN nuts
sensi bloom a b
big bud
bud candy
aussie tonic
pro cal


Hey Brayo, from what you've described this is common, from what I've read this is the plant using it's nutrient reserves, in this case nitrogen. If I'm correct this isnt anything to worry about, just feed as normal, the yellowing wont go away but your girl will grow just fine! Happy farming, Cornish


Well-Known Member
ty cornish for your reply. this is my first time using coco
so was a bit worried neva seen yellowing this dramatic to be normal. when in dirt my yellowing usually started around 6 weeks into 12 12 cycle not 3 weeks in.


Active Member
I would have to say the thing, I only fertilize every 2 weeks and the yellow is fine..happy growing k


Well-Known Member
The biggest thing you need to remember when using coco and AN is make sure you have good run off and keep coco moist at all times. I've ran advanced for some years now in coco and if your yellowing like you describe you could be under feeding or if your using the nutes at full strength your not getting enough run off.

advanced is on a .5 ec scale too so if your meter is tuned for a .7 ec factor you'll get off ec readings which will result in under feeding. You also don't need cal mag with Advanced sensi line its in there already.

Is it ph perfect you have or just the sensi a b? if not ph perfect you'll need to ph at 5.8 every time you water. Hope this helps don't want to write a novel but I see you water at 6.2 this is prol why your getting locked up. Adjust to 5.8 and get good runoff and they should bounce back for yas.


Well-Known Member
ty for your reply been feeding them on an ec of around 1.2 ec should i up this to about 1.6
i will defo adjust my ph to 5.8 ty for your help. as this is my first time in coco didnt want to overfert.


Active Member
Sometimes people stop giving veg nutrients when they see there buds crown and that can be a huge problem with growing in coco. Since almost all the nutrients we use are water soluble you have to keep giving her exactly what she wants when she wants it. I would throw a partial feed high in N with your next feeding and in a few days you should see it start recovering. Also, do not change your PH to 5.8 optimal PH for veg in coco is 5.5-5.8 and 6.0-6.2 for flowering so you are fine where you are maybe just take it down to about 6.0 to get it closer to optimal nitrogen absorption.


Active Member
N stands for nitrogen and in this case yes I am referring to your veg nutrients. Make sure you only give them a partial feeding of it though because you don't want to burn your ladies. If you post some picks I could give you an estimate of how much to put in with your feeding. But without photos I don't feel comfortable saying how much it needs. Coco is a very forgiving medium because since the nutrients used are mostly water soluble it is very easy to flush and feed to fix problems.


Well-Known Member
at the moment my ec is 1.2 so if i say raise it to 1.6 by adding veg nutrints into my bloom feeding will this help
my yellowing problems. as i said very new to coco so sorry to sound stupid but im panicing now that im going to lose
my ladies. once again ty for your help


Active Member
I am not familiar with the unit of measure you are using. I have looked it up but since I am not familiar enough measuring in EC I would not feel comfortable giving advice. I just use the standard PH scale (or at least standard where I am.)


Well-Known Member
my ph is 6.2 atm will be adjusting it to 6.0 on your advise. my ec is 1.2 atm
but by adding N to my feeding i will raise it to 1.5 1.6 just to help with my
yellowing of my leaves is this correct sorry to ask so many questions panicing now im going to lose them


Active Member
Relax man like I said before the nutrients we use (hydro) are water soluble which means the plant is going to take them in quickly so if we have diagnosed the problem correctly it should be fixed in a week or so.
don't over think it or you will drive yourself crazy.


Well-Known Member
Dude best thing you can do is call advanced up and talk to their support. Very friendly and will help you out no prob. I've ran this line for years now and am very comfortable with it. I now use ph perfect and results are even better. Stick to their feeding schedule get good run off don't let it sit in run off.

How many Mls of base in veg u use? How many in flower? When I used the reg sensi line when I flowered I was already close to 4 Mls per liter in veg once in bloom just stuck it the same and adjusted if it looked hungry.

The line isn't hard to use just have to get familiar with how she works.