Yellow spots help

deffinetly not spider mites. I've gone enough rounds with them little buggers to know what there damage looks like. I sometimes get leaves that look like that on a plant but it's only 1 leave and all the rest look fine so I don't stress to much about it.How much are you feeding them and on what schedule?
no thats not spider mites. the damage is not on the veins of the plant. youre is between the veins and working inwards wich can bee signs of mag deff. bit imo it looks like heat isseu with under watering. looks like she dried out for a day or so. maybe a day when temps went a bit high and if then medium was dry that would do it
Nice to see some responses over here. Grasscity is very slow, maybe dead. Anyways they kinda formed over night so it could be a heat issue as I forgot to open up my ventilation. It was recirculating in the same room but it didn't ever get higher than 85. My usual temps are b/t 68-75.
also you got deep purple stems wich can bee a signs of a few things. mag and potassium deff ect ect. its a sign of stress
id deff say the the damage on pic 2 is heat and the plant drying out a little. as mag deff dont really start in the middle half of the plant. more lower middle to bottom
ill pop back and have a good look just need to go for 5. but for a a quick glance you're lights is to close to soon. for young plants i keep my hps at 1 foot to 1n5 foot and let them plants grow into the light till there 18 to 21 inch away at start of flowing and keep that distance through out. also 1kwill cause light stress at that distance towards the end of youre day during youre light cycle918/6 ect) and make youre leaves droop. especially round 3 to 4 week veg.
First two pictures are of my BlackBerry plants and the last picture is of one of my Blue Cheese plants. So are you still thinking Mag def. in the BB but what about for my cheese?


  • Yellow Spots BB (8-18).jpg
    Yellow Spots BB (8-18).jpg
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  • Yellow Spots BB (8-18) (2).jpg
    Yellow Spots BB (8-18) (2).jpg
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  • Brown Spots BC (8-18).jpg
    Brown Spots BC (8-18).jpg
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