Yellow Spots and more problems


Active Member
Whats up everyone. I have some problems going with my outdoor. First off I am getting yellow spots on my leafs. they are about 2 cm in diameter. They are circular and seem like there might be little specs in the center of the spot itself. Any Ideas? Secondly I have noticed a lower bud is turning brown for no apparent reason. The top of the bud and all the hairs have turned brown. Thirdly some of the smaller bud leaves have a light gray coat on them. It seems to be where water sits and drys. The spots can be rubbed off, but not to easily without damaging the leaf itself. I am getting very frustrated and may chop her down early. Shes about 4.5 weeks in flower.

Please help!


Active Member
light gray coat. That happened to mine after bad rain storm. went away. that could also explain why the bottom bud is appearing to go brown. closer to the ground. The yellow leaves could be a variety of things. I wouldn't pull it early but its up to u man.