yellow speckles on leaves plus some leaf edges turning yellow


Hi, I'm new around here and need some help.

I'm growing in soil (50/50 mix of ocean forest and happy frog). I have some plants I just cloned. I cupped the cones in solo cups exactly a week ago, prior to that they had been rooting for 7 days. Yesterday I noticed that some of the plants had yellow speckles on them. In addition, the edges of the leaves are turning yellow. I researched for a few hours and can't seem to find anything that's like what I'm experiencing. I've come to the conclusion that it is either nute burn or spider mites. I spent an hour and a half looking at leaves with a magnifying loupe and then a microscope and did not find a single egg, mite or web. Has anyone ever experienced nute burn like this? Thank you in advance for any help!

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Looks like some nute burn since you just transplanted them into the soil. Just flush out your soil with 3x the amt of water in your container. Poke holes in the bottom of your cups so that the water can drain out.


Well-Known Member
Thats the result of shit cloning method or a sick looking mum. Overwatered clones that rooted slowly and they still look a bit sick. Dont worry they should pull out of this and start looking healthy but it can take 2-3 weeks with yellow clones.


Well-Known Member
Dude - step away from the fertilizer, etc. Let mother nature do its thing. Put them in bigger pots. Water them and in a couple weeks give them the basic micro nutrients.
Genetics are what they are; be a nurturer of environment. Anyway these plants are resilient, and don't worry. Error on the side of not enough fertilizer. Good soil can, will and has grown great
"stuff" without having to add anything during the life of the plant.