Yellow plant wont follow good example of her rommate, pic


Well-Known Member
I have two plants that are 7 weeks into flowering. One plant (more on the left) is very green, at least 2/3 pistils brown and looks ready to harvest in a week. The other (right) is pretty yellow, most pistils are still white, however it has much bigger buds. The PH is 6.2 and it gets half str flowering nutes (nute burn if i would use full) every other watering. The left plant doesnt get nutes anymore. I flushed both plants today because i hadnt done that but otherwise Im not sure why the one plant is so yellow. Any guesses, maybe N deficiency, and should i even still do anything with it being 7 weeks into flowering already and the end is in sight?

I have looked around because people with yellow leaves is a common issue but there are still so many things that could be the problem.

These are the TWO plants in Scrog. Left side (darker leaves) is plant one, Right side (yellow) is the other problem plant

Further info: 300W CFLs, 1 inch away, 90F right next to bulb.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'd just let it ride. You're pretty far into flowering and drastic, corrective measures are probably more harm that good this far in the plant's life.

You're right, this yellowing is very normal for plants late in their flowering cycle.

If I had one recommendation to make, it would be to snip the fan leaves that are totally yellow to allow light to penetrate thru to the lower, hopefully greener leaves.


Well-Known Member
For like a week ive been thinking if i should even ask around here if i should do something because the plant is almost done anyways. I probably will let it finish, i just thought id ask here because maybe there is something i really needed to do. Before this gets written off as not a problem, anybody see this differently?
Also should i really cut off the yellow leaves?


Active Member
try and rotate that plant closer to the light if that dont work then depending on your system i didnt look at the system soil or hydro, something could be clogged. hot spot in that area where problem is


Well-Known Member
Its soil and the bulbs are less than 1 inch from the plant. I rotate both plants every few days so they arent always in the same position.