Yellow Lower Leaves & Brown Leaf Tips


Well-Known Member
One of my biggest challenges has always been diagnosing plant problems. My plants are 3 weeks old, and I am starting to notice some yellowing of the first set of leaves, and a couple leaf tips turning brown.
I am using an organic soil, Victory Brand Superior Garden Soil, that I have amended only with a balanced organic fertilizer and earthworm castings. I have been foliar feeding weekly with a light solution of 1 ml Flora Nova Grow and 1 tsp. Maxi Crop seaweed powder. My water ph is 6.4-7.0. I thought maybe it was the 7.0 water so I have been trying to get more in the 6.4-6.6 range. I am using tap water that I leave out for 24 hours to remove the Chlorine. It does have a fairly high tds of 250 ppm.
I originally thought this might be a nitrogen deficiency until I noticed a few of the leaf tips burning. Now I am wondering if it might be either a micronutrient deficiency. I did not think it was a "lock out" problem only because they are only 3 weeks in this soil.
Any ideas and suggestions would be appreciated. I am hoping to "nip this in the bud" early so to speak.
Yellow Lower Leaf.jpgYellow Leaf 2.jpgBurned Tip.jpg
Your soil has enough nutes for the first 30-40 days. I only suggest an organic tea in veg; it's very hard to over-do it using organic teas.
Before you adjust the PH of the feed water; have you done a runoff water PH test?
Some yellowing and die off of the older leaves is normal, but I'm not sure if this fits your case.

Most plants in soil really don't need feeding for the first few weeks or longer, depending on soil content.

They don't look too bad, but you do seem to be lacking Nitrogen.
Also be careful of foliar spraying when your plants are under the lights. If your light is intense enough the water droplets will act like little magnifying glasses and burn your leaves.
I think you will be fine, maybe try to increase N feeding a little and see what happens. Be careful not to burn her.
This is the best I can do for you, as I'm not real good with problem diagnosis either.
Other people will answer and you can weigh the advise.
Good luck.
Before you adjust the PH of the feed water; have you done a runoff water PH test?
Some yellowing and die off of the older leaves is normal, but I'm not sure if this fits your case.

Most plants in soil really don't need feeding for the first few weeks or longer, depending on soil content.

They don't look too bad, but you do seem to be lacking Nitrogen.
Also be careful of foliar spraying when your plants are under the lights. If your light is intense enough the water droplets will act like little magnifying glasses and burn your leaves.
I think you will be fine, maybe try to increase N feeding a little and see what happens. Be careful not to burn her.
This is the best I can do for you, as I'm not real good with problem diagnosis either.
Other people will answer and you can weigh the advise.
Good luck.
I couldn't have said it better myself!!
I will check the PH of the run off water the next time I water. Thank you all for the input. I think I will back off the foliar feeding for a while and see what happens. I forgot to mention earlier that I watered a couple times with H&G Roots Excelurator, and G.H. Rapid Start. These both seemed pretty mild but maybe they were too hot for the small plants.