Yellow leaves



I was hoping someone might know what is going on with my plants. I'm growing in Coco eveything was going good but now they started to get yellow leaves? I keep PH around 6.5 and temp are from 70 to 83. I been giving them very light nuts. I'm using FF Big Bloom and Grow big. I'm been giving them about 1/4 of recommend amount. Today I went to 1/2 strenght hoping it would help. I know there is a mold problem on the soil. I got a new fan to help dry top layer faster so I'm hoping that takes care of that. But I don't think that is why the leaves are turning yellow. Does it look like offgas or a nut problem? Thank you for any help..



Well-Known Member
around 6.5? that's the highest you would want really. you may want to flush with a 5.5 ph water and start the 1/4 nutes again imo. good luck!